2nd Annual POLTEXT Conference 2019

– Tokyo, September 13-15, 2019 

  • Organizing committee leader: Kohei Watanabe
  • Members of the organizing committee: Lisa Lechner, Miklós Sebők
  • The conference call is available here.
  • The conference program is available here.
  • Information on the sponsors of the conference is available here.
  • Photo album available here.

Institute for Advanced Study, Waseda University (Tokyo, Japan)

POLTEXT 2019 was held in Tokyo in 14-15 September organized by Kohei Watanabe (Institute for Advanced Study, Waseda University) with the support from the Top Global University Project and the Telecommunication Advancement Foundation. As the first international conference on quantitative text analysis, it also featured multi-lingual analysis of texts to promote the methodology beyond English language, and attracted 90 participants (60 for presenting and 30 for auditing) from across the world. Keynote speeches were delivered by Sven-Oliver Proksch (University of Cologne) and Jonathan Slapin (University of Zurich) at the conference.

Pre-conference Events

As part of the POLTEXT 2019 conference, we were organizing tutorials and a workshop on 13 September to exchange technological knowledge of quantitative text analysis.  

Tutorials are available here.



Conference Program

Day 1

Saturday, 14 September

Opening remarks (8:50-9:00)

IR1 & MT1 (9:00-10:30)

IR1: National Security and Defense

Room: 202

Chair: Cosima Meyer

Discussant: Alexander Baturo & Sabrina Arias

Fanglu Sun, An analysis of online public opinions on the 2017 Sino-Indian border, Fudan University (China)

John Seungmin Kuk, Inbok Rhee, Nuclear negotiations of North Korea and their propaganda strategy, KDI School of Public Policy (South Korea)

Maya Hadar, Together we stand? The effect of successful and unsuccessful warfare on national pride: Israel, 2003-2013, Masaryk University (Czechia)

Jonathan Lewis, Naoko Matsumura, Kazuhiro Obayashi, Aya Watanabe, Legislative speeches and domestic violence: the case of the Philippines, Waseda University (Japan)

MT1: Machine Learning

Room: 203

Chair: Radim Hladik

Discussant: Bruno Castanho Silva & Camilo Cristancho

Kenneth Benoit, Patrick Chester, Michael Laver, Stefan Müller, Scalable analysis of political text using machine learning, University of Zurich (Switzerland)

Miklos Sebok, Zoltan Kacsuk, Classifying newspaper articles with the hybrid binary snowball process, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Hungary)

Krzysztof Rybinski, Should asset managers pay for economic research: an NLP analysis of news and research reports, Vistula University (Poland)

Mark S. Manger, When and why does the Japanese government intervene in the forex market? Using economic news to predict central bank action, University of Toronto (Canada)

Coffee break (10:30-10:45)

IR2 & MT2 (10:45-12:15)

IR2: United Nations

Room: 202

Chair: Yuan Zhou

Discussant: Mark Manger & Fanglu Sun

Alexander Baturo, Kohei Watanabe, Undiplomatic diplomacy: insults and belligerent rhetoric in the United Nations, Dublin City University (Ireland)

Alex Yu-Ting Lin, When David challenges Goliath: insubordination from smaller states and rising power status dissatisfaction, University of Southern California (US) & Harvard University (US)

Sabrina B. Arias, Strategic state framing in international institutions: securitization of climate politics at the UN, University of Pennsylvania (US)

Dennis Hammerschmidt, Talk and action in the United Nations General Assembly: vote-buying and the power to induce states to vote against their own preferences, University of Mannheim (Germany)

MT2: Asian Languages

Room: 203

Chair: Jinyeong Bak

Discussant: Ahmed Tarek Hammad

Wei-hao Huang, I-Chieh Kuo, Re-examining China’s partnerships system with unsupervised text classification, Institute of Political Science at Academia Sinica (Taiwan)

Steve Pickering, Martin Ejnar Hansen, Same meaning, different words: estimating the effect of language in quantitative text analysis, Brunel University London (UK)

Dai Yamao, Measuring sectarianism: a quantitative text analysis of an Iraqi newspaper, Kyushu University (Japan)

Mujtaba Ali Isani, Understanding the link between Arabic language Twitter and Arab public opinion, Habib University (Pakistan)

Lunch break (12:15-13:15)
PS1 & MT3 (13:15-14:45)
PS1: Authoritarian Systems

Room: 202

Chair: Nicole Nisbett

Discussant: Keiichi Kubo & Inbok Rhee

Anna Shirokanova, Olga Silyutina, Shifts and continuities in the discourse on internet regulation in Russia, National Research University Higher School of Economics (Russia)

Yuki Mikiya, Revival of national traditions in transitional period in China: a study of the Chinese Communist Party bulletin in the 1980s, Keio University (Japan)

Jinyeong Bak, Christopher Paik, Alice Oh, At the King’s command: rules and natural disasters in the Annals of Dynasty, KAIST (South Korea)

MT3: Frontiers

Room: 203

Chair: Marton Bene

Discussant: Jonathan Slapin & Martina Katalin Szabo

Valentin Gold et al., Augmented deliberative democracy (ADD-up): analysis and visualization of deliberative debates in real time, University of Gottingen (Germany)

Radim Hladik, Predicting gender of sociological authors from topics, National Institute of Informatics (Japan) & Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Czechia)

Erik de Vries, Document versus sentence: measuring actor-related tone, University of Stavanger (Normay)

Fabienne Lind, Olga Eisele, Tobias Heidenreich, Sebastian Galyga, Hajo G. Boomgaarden, A bridge over the language gap – employing multilingual topic modelling for the analysis of non-translated but comparable political text, University of Vienna (Austria)

Tea break (14:45-15:00)
PS2 & MT4 (15:00-16:30)
PS2: Legislatures

Room: 202

Chair: Dennis Hammerschmidt

Discussant: Miklos Sebok & Charles Crabtree

Frederik Hjorth, Establishment responses to populist challenges: evidence from legislative speech, University of Copenhagen (Denmark)

Zhi Pei, Lin Fen, Party effect in Hong Kong: how party works in Hong Kong Legislative Council Election, City University of Hong Kong (China)

Matia Vannoni, Elliott Ash, Massimo Morelli, Measuring Discretion and Delegation in Legislative Texts: Methods and Application to U.S. States, King’s College London (UK)

MT4: Word Embeddings

Room: 203

Chair: Erik de Vries

Discussant: James Cross & Akitaka Matsuo

Lisa Lechner, Lando Kirchmaier, Who refers to whom? The European Constitutional Courts Network, University of Innsbruck (Austria)

Jan R. Riebling, Jan Fuhse, Oscar Stuhler, John Levi Martin, Ideologies and infighting: semantic division and shifting allegiances in the Weimar Republic, University of Wuppertal (Germany)

Martina Katalin Szabó, Gábor Berend, László Kiss, Orsolya Ring, László Vidács, Zoltán Kmetty, Mapping societal changes in the Hungarian socialist era using word embedding model, University of Szeged (Hungary)

Keiichi Kubo, International transitional justice and domestic mass media: quantitative text analysis of Serbian newspaper reporting on the ICTY and war crimes, Waseda University (Japan)

Tea break (16:30-16:45)
Keynote speech (16:45-17:30)

Room: 202 & 203

Speaker: Sven-Oliver Proksch (University of Cologne)

Conference dinner (18:00-20:00)

Japanese pub (izakaya) Tofuro

Day 2

Sunday, 15 September

CM1 & MT5 (9:00-10:30)
CM1: International Communication

Room: 202

Chair: Isabelle van der Vegt

Discussant: Maya Hadar & Oul Han

Yuan Zhou, China’s mediated public diplomacy towards Japan: a text-as-data approach, Kobe University (Japan)

Elad Segev, Textual network analysis: detecting prevailing themes and biases in international news and social media, Tel Aviv University (Israel)

Cosima Meyer, Dennis Hammerschmidt, Where the money blows: using speeches to identify the effect of Chinese foreign aid on the US-recipient relationship structure, University of Mannheim (Germany)

Mohummad Kamrul Hassan, Humanity and hatred: an analysis of hate comments in Facebook on displaced Rohingya in Bangladesh, Women’s Environment and Development Organization (Bangladesh)

MT5: Topic Models

Room: 203

Chair: Wei-hao Huang

Discussant: Krzysztof Rybinski & Fabienne Lind

Ahmet Suerdem, Cultural differences in media framing of AI: bridging topic modeling with INDSCAL, Istanbul Bilgi University (Turkey)

Marina Povitkina, Simon Matti, Sverker Jagers, Johan Martinsson, What do people mean by an unfair climate policy?, University of Gothenburg (Sweden) & University of Oslo (Norway)

Ahmed T. Hammad, A multi-label topic modelling approach for electronic petitions, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (Italy)

James P. Cross, Derek Greene, Natalia Umansky Capasa, Talking the talk: exploring conflict in European Central Bank Governing Council speeches using speaker-topic network, University College Dublin (Ireland)

Coffee break (10:30-10:45)
CM2 & PS3 (10:45-12:15)
CM2: Communication and Media

Room: 202

Chair: Nahema Marchal

Discussant: Elad Segev & Mohummad Kamrul Hassan

Isabelle van der Vegt, Maximilian Mozes, Paul Gill, Bennett Kleinberg, Online influence, offline violence: linguistic responses to the ‘Unite the Right’ rally, University College London (UK)

Elliott Ash, Elena Labzina, Fox News distorts political discourse, ETH Zurich (Switzerland)

Philipp Meyer, Christoph Hönnige, Gaining control of the agenda: how judicial public relations enable courts to focus issue attention, University of Hanover (Germany)

Nicole Nisbett, Who are we reaching? Inferring socio-economic and demographic attributes from parliamentary digital engagement activities, University of Leeds (UK)

PS3: Elections

Room: 203

Chair: Pei Zhi

Discussant: Sven-Oliver Proksch & Frederik Hjorth

Charles Crabtree, Matt Golder, Thomas Gschwend, Indriði Indriðason, It’s not only what you say, it’s also how you say it: the strategic use of campaign sentiment, Dartmouth College (US) & Tokyo Foundation (Japan)

Seonhye Noh, Candidate network and political position using text similarity on 2018 Korea local election TV debate, Seoul National University (South Korea)

Akitaka Matsuo, Gender classification of parliamentary debate in the Japanese House of Representatives, University of Essex (UK)

Yoshikuni Ono, Hirofumi Miwa, Gender differences in candidate election manifestos: a content analysis of election pledges among candidates in Japan, Tohoku University (Japan)

Lunch break (12:15-13:15)
CM3 & SC1 (13:15-14:45)
CM3: Social Media

Room: 202

Chair: Philipp Meyer

Discussant: Elliott Ash & Mujtaba Ali Isani

Nahema Marchal, Digital tribes? Social identity, affect and polarisation on Reddit politics, University of Oxford (UK)

Juhi Kulshrestha, Oul Han, LOL@Politics: Comparing reactions to text of the German Bundestag and Facebook, University of Koblenz (Germany)

Marton Bene, Feed me! Investigating citizens’ reactivity to politicians’ Facebook posts, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Hungary)

Daniel Valdenegro, Viktoria Spaiser, Cristina Stefan, Emotional profiling of social movements using Twitter data, University of Leeds (UK)

SC1: Society and Culture

Room: 203

Chair: Alex Yu-Ting Lin

Discussant: Valentin Gold & Ahmet Suerdem

Masaru Kohno, Shinji Tsukada, Masanori Kikuchi, Freedom in popular songs in North America: a preliminary analysis of lyrics from 1960 to 2009, Waseda University (Japan)

Noa Ana Hatzir, Elad Segev, Family communication 2.0: textual network analysis of family instant messages, Tel Aviv University (Israel)

Bruno Castanho Silva, Sven-Oliver Proksch, Fake accounts on Twitter and their impact on European politics: a natural experiment, University of Cologne (Germany)

Camilo Cristancho, Laura Chaques-Bonafont, Emiliano Grossman, “Talk Like a Man”: language convergence between genders in four European parliamentary arenas, Universitat de Barcelona (Spain)

Tea break (14:45-15:00)
Keynote speech (15:00-15:45)

Room: 202 & 203

Speaker: Jonathan Slapin (University of Zurich)

Closing remarks (15:45-16:15)